Schools have been facing huge challenges with recruitment and staff retention for some years now, but the past two years have had a significant impact on teacher retention, especially impacting succession planning at senior levels.

In the continuing circumstances of low staff availability, it is even more important that schools have processes in place to nurture and retain staff. In essence, this means that schools need to know how to identify talent, and create a working culture that ensures they want to stay.

This guide invites leaders to reflect upon current practice in their school, and consider how BlueSky can support retention and succession strategies.

Read more on this subject in our blog: Why professional development is crucial to retention and recruitment

If you are considering adapting your approach to staff development in your school, and would like to find out how BlueSky can support you to do so, please call us on +44 1483 880004 or book a demo here.

How BlueSky Supports Staff Retention and Succession Planning

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