Support school improvement or trust strategic priorities
BlueSky supports school improvement & development planning through a suite of evaluation and reporting modules, providing school leaders with meaningful intelligence that informs school improvement and action planning.
Keeping all aspects of the school improvement cycle in one place makes it easy to track progress towards school or trust priorities. School leaders can evaluate achievements and areas for development through holistic global reporting, from individual through to team, department, school level and across a multi-academy trust or group of schools.
Comprehensive intelligence for strategic school development
BlueSky ensures everyone’s performance links to team and school improvement priorities as they thread through all elements of the software. BlueSky supports the continuing process of school improvement by enabling robust quality assurance, identifying areas for development and supporting ongoing evaluation.
BlueSky provides intelligence for your SEF (Self-Evaluation Framework), but also ensures self-evaluation is no longer a one-off activity by making it live and evidence-based. It offers an excellent starting point for the generation of your school improvement plan in line with key objectives for staff performance management.
The information gathered through learning walks, lesson observations and work scrutiny exercises provides a comprehensive and detailed picture of the quality of teaching. This could be for a specific group of staff, a whole school or multiple schools. A critical report for school inspectors.
The high-level reporting within BlueSky informs governors giving them the confidence to challenge and support school leaders. Use these reports to inform other stakeholders such as school governors, trust boards and Ofsted inspectors.
Capture quality of teaching and evaluate progress
BlueSky provides the mechanism to capture all types of quality assurance from learning visits, learning walks to work scrutiny. The bottom-up approach supports evidence-based decision making and provides teams and leaders with powerful insights to support departmental and whole school improvement.
BlueSky’s executive summary report provides a powerful snapshot of the organisation, based on customisable templates using inspection frameworks, organisation and/or departmental objectives, whilst archiving data to support effective tracking over time. These reports are particularly useful when providing information to governors, trustees, boards and inspectors.
Click through to learn more about how BlueSky supports teaching quality assurance in schools or book a bespoke demo today.
Linking strategic development planning with quality assurance
We know that school evaluation and quality assurance is essential to identifying areas that need development as well as highlighting strengths and good practice. However traditional performance management processes sometimes produced a culture of ‘assessment’, that didn’t actually produce the best quality of teaching and had an impact on well-being for all staff.
Many school leaders are now exploring how to use quality assurance processes that support teachers to develop their practice. Read our blog ‘Five ways to ensure Quality Assurance is improving, not rating, teachers‘ to learn more.