Quality Assurance & Improvement

Strategic intelligence to inform school improvement planning

BlueSky Education - Quality Assurance, Quality Assurance and Improvement for Schools

Complete flexibility aligned to your organisation’s quality assurance culture

BlueSky Education provides a wide range of customisable templates that can be tailored to your processes, from formal monitoring to developmental coaching.

Instant reporting to identify emerging talent, influence your CPD strategy, and track professional growth over time. Activities can be triangulated to support an individual’s career progression and can be mapped to the strategic goals of your organisation.

From traditional quality assurance processes to a developmental approach

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Challenging perceptions of the lesson observation

This report examines some of the current theory and practice around the lesson observation and re-ignites the debate surrounding its strengths and pitfalls. Has the time come for schools to consign the lesson observation to the past and instead explore some new techniques for improving and sharing professional skills?

Using coaching to drive school improvement

Effective strategies for improving teaching need to be based on evidence-informed research. They must also focus on the development of pedagogy and promote collaborative professional learning though structured enquiry. One way to link these key features is through the practice of coaching.

This eBook guide considers why coaching is important, how schools can develop a coaching culture, and the different ways coaching can be used to impact on the school workforce and improvement.

BlueSky Education - Quality Assurance

Book a bespoke demo

To find out more about how BlueSky can be tailored to your quality assurance processes, contact us today to book a demonstration, the best way to evaluate BlueSky. Our team will get in touch to discuss your needs and arrange a bespoke demo.

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