Simplify your staff development process to reduce workload and make the most of CPD

BlueSky Education’s award-winning platform links Professional DevelopmentAppraisal and Quality Assurance in an easy-to-use platform, encouraging more meaningful engagement with CPD, linked to school priorities.

Download our brochure or simply fill in our enquiry form to learn more – a member of our team will get in touch.

85% of school leaders say BlueSky Education saves up to 5 hours every week*

Our simple and effective appraisal solution has transformed the way thousands of schools worldwide organise staff appraisal and development.

Streamline processes and reduce admin workloads

Tools that adapt to fit your school's culture

Tools that adapt to fit your school’s culture

Continuously develop and nurture your people

Continuously develop and nurture your people

All-In-One Package

Our affordable subscription includes every feature a school needs to seamlessly record, track and evaluate development for all staff.

Quick Set Up

It takes around 1 hour to get the platform set up for your school. Benefit from tailored online training as well as unlimited technical support.

Engage and develop your people aligned to strategic goals

BlueSky is used by thousands of schools in over 40 countries worldwide and can be tailored to align with the standards, culture and processes of your organisation.

Staff are empowered to take charge of their own professional learning through deep insight into the impact of their work on the wider organisation.

book a demo

Our Partners

BlueSky Education is the only solution in this field endorsed by the Association of School and College Leaders and the Confederation of School Trusts.

Learn more about our partners here.

BlueSky Education Partner Logos - ASCL
BlueSky Education Partner Logos - CST
BlueSky Education Partner Logos - BESA
BlueSky Education Partner Logos - ISBL
BlueSky Education Partner Logos - BSME
BlueSky Education Partner Logos - COBIS
BlueSky Education - Partner - FOBISIA
BlueSky Education - Partner - high Performance Learning
BlueSky Education Partner Logos - ECIS

*Based on a 2019 BlueSky Education client survey.