Professional learning in our sector has come a long way in the last few years. In many schools, the school CPD programme has moved to the centre of strategies for improving quality of education, and is shown to have significant benefits for pupils and staff alike. However, it can still be difficult to fully evaluate the impact of professional learning; how can we measure the improvement in quality of teaching and pupil outcomes?
In this guide, we look at the purpose of the school CPD programme, and explore six steps that school leaders might consider to make it easier to evaluate the impact of professional learning and development.
The guide also offers some pointers on how BlueSky Education can simplify your school CPD programme and processes, reducing paperwork and helping to engage staff more effectively.
What you will learn in this guide:
How to build a school CPD programme with impact provides a easy-to-read overview of the key considerations for developing a professional development programme for your school, including:
1. How to establish School and Trust priorities
2. How to determine quality of teaching in your context
3. How to identify the forms, programmes and mechanisms
4. How to consider the context & needs of your organisation
5. How to use quality assurance to support a forensic diagnosis of needs
6. Why personalisation of CPD for staff is important

Author: Tamsin Denley,
Head of Marketing and Partnerships