We are pleased to share an update on the functionality around Partnership Reports, aiming to reduce the workload of gathering intelligence across a multi-academy trust or group of schools. For trust and group central teams, these updates will simplify and streamline the way you build and run reports for oversight of appraisal objectives, performance reviews and professional development planning for the entire workforce.

Please note: This update will be applied automatically for all BlueSky member organisations that use the Partnership Module (e.g. Multi-academy trusts, federations or groups). This update is part of our ongoing innovation and improvement road map and will be applied free of charge.

Please join one of our client training webinars or ask your BlueSky Customer Success Account Manager for support if you have any questions about this. See below for webinar dates.

Save the reports you regularly use:

Trust leaders and administrators can now save the settings for reports that you use regularly. This can be useful for reports you’ll want to run again at a future date, reducing the workload of selecting the filters and parameters you want each time.

Once you have selected all of the parameters you want (for example, date range, individuals, fields etc), you can save the report by checking the ‘Saved’ tick box in the list (please see screenshot below).

All processed reports are automatically saved for 28 days but ticking this box allows you to save the report indefinitely and re-run it as required.

Date filters can be set to remain the same so you can run the same report to see the most up to date intelligence, or changed to run the same report for a new period. This allows you to instantly access preferred insights and provide immediate support, or review trends over time.

You will be able to find your saved reports under the ‘Reports’ module in the Partnership tab.

Reports for school trusts and groups of schools
Reports for school trusts and groups of schools

Holistic intelligence for your entire workforce:

There is now no limit on the number of entries that can be created in a report, which we know had previously been a limitation for organisations that were expanding quickly.

When partnership admin users create a partnership report they are now able to select all users from all organisations at the check of a box!

This means you can now generate reports for all staff across a group of schools, no matter how fast your organisation grows.

These updates have been applied for three key partnership reports : 

  • Objectives*
  • Overview statements*
  • Needs Analysis

(*The terminology used by your organisation may differ)

Client Training Webinars on this feature

To see this in action and ask any questions you may have around the feature, please join one of our live client training webinar sessions. Both sessions will cover the same training points. The webinars will be recorded so that the video can be shared in the BlueSky Help Centre afterwards.

BlueSky Education: Partnership Reports Session 1
May 22, 2024 03:45 PM London

BlueSky Education: Partnership Reports Session 2
May 23, 2024 10:00 AM London

Please register for your preferred session using your school / work email address. This ensures that we contact you at the appropriate email address with any follow up communications.

Session times are given as UK time (BST).

What’s coming next for CPD

We understand that many schools have significantly shifted their school improvement strategy over recent years. Recognising that professional learning and development are crucial to improving quality of teaching and student outcomes, not to mention job satisfaction and staff retention in schools, CPD has become a central part of appraisal conversations. We also understand that external stakeholders are increasingly invested in evaluating the impact of professional development on school and trust priorities.

Feedback from you, our clients, alongside extensive market research and insights from our thought leadership work, have given us a real opportunity to review some aspects of the CPD module in BlueSky. We are planning to release the updates for this module in a couple of weeks.

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Tamsin Denley

Author: Tamsin Denley
Head of Marketing & Partnerships

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