Strategic appraisal system for schools and trusts

Elevate outcomes by putting people at the centre of improvement strategy

Appraisal System for Schools and Trusts Illustration

Global intelligence that supports individual growth

Developed by experienced educationalists, our market-leading software allows trust and group executives to organise, support and evaluate staff proficiency and school quality assurance across a family of schools.

Produce holistic reports using aggregated intelligence to review the impact of strategic decision-making at the touch of a button, while also putting staff at the centre of discussions around school improvement.

BlueSky Education for school trusts and groups

BlueSky is used by hundreds of school trusts across the UK to simplify cross-school working. Our dedicated features help trusts implement consistent processes and aggregate information across schools to track performance, identify best practice and share expertise.

Appraisal System features
BlueSky Education for School Trusts and Groups

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Endorsed by the Confederation of School Trusts for Appraisal, Professional Learning and Quality Assurance.

Flexible, scalable processes that fit your trust and school culture

BlueSky can easily be adapted to meet changing objectives and processes as your school trust grows, supporting your people strategy and aligning all of the schools in the group to consistent appraisal, professional learning and quality assurance processes.

Schools can still maintain their autonomy whilst ensuring accountability and supportive structures are visible. Individual staff can maintain their BlueSky portfolio if they move to another school within the trust.

BlueSky Education - Trust and Groups

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Our market-leading Partnership module

For a more detailed overview of BlueSky Education’s Partnership module for school trusts and groups, download our brochure today.

In this brochure you will find some of the key features that support groups of schools to collaborate, streamline processes and improve strategy. The Partnership module is free of charge when more than one school in the trust has BlueSky Education membership.

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Trust Case Studies

Learn how BlueSky has supported Multi-Academy Trusts across the UK to gain a holistic perspective of talent and expertise, and to align performance management processes across their group.

Book a bespoke demo

To find out how BlueSky can support your appraisal system, professional development and quality assurance in your school trust or group, contact us today to book a demonstration, the best way to evaluate BlueSky. Our team will get in touch to discuss your needs and arrange a demo tailored to your organisation.

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