Welcome to the June edition of the BlueSky Newsletter. In this issue we invite you to our series of live training webinars, as well as the next BlueSky Learning Presents professional learning session.
- Customer training webinars: Join these 30-minute free, training sessions, lead by our Customer Success team, covering various aspects of completing this year’s appraisal cycle and preparing for the new school year. See more details below.
- 12th June: BlueSky Learning Presents Sufian Sadiq: Racial Equity – a walk in my shoes. The Director of Teaching School at Chiltern Learning Trust will focus on racial equity and give advice on how schools can become more inclusive environments.
- CPD to support school priorities: Over the past few months, we have been sharing our insights into the importance of professional development in schools. Drawing on the latest research and examples from our own customers, these are a must read for anyone involved in CPD in schools.
- Watch now: Our previous BlueSky Learning Presents webinar with Jon Hutchinson is now available to watch in the BlueSky help centre. Scroll to the end to find useful links.
See you soon,
The BlueSky Team
Customer Training Webinars
Various dates throughout June
Lead by our Customer Success team, this series of 30-minute webinars will demonstrate relevant tasks for completing the appraisal cycle this term, with an opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Sessions will cover using customisation to set up templates, linking quality assurance processes to professional objectives and CPD, and preparing for the next school year.
Click through to see dates and times. You are welcome to register for one or more sessions.
BlueSky Learning Presents Sufian Sadiq: Racial Equity – a walk in my shoes.
12 June 2023 – 3:45 PM UK
Join us for another taster of BlueSky Learning’s insightful practitioner-led and research based professional learning content.
In this session, we are joined by Sufian Sadiq, Director of Teaching School at Chiltern Learning Trust. Sufian will focus on racial equity and give advice on how schools can become more inclusive environments.
CPD takes centre stage
Drawing on the latest research and insights from our own clients, our series of articles reveals the importance of professional development in schools and explores different approaches that could be applied in your own school or trust.
Missed our previous webinar?
If you missed our first ‘BlueSky Learning Presents…’ webinar on instructional coaching from Jon Hutchinson, BlueSky customers can watch the recording via the BlueSky Help Centre.
For more on action steps, a key component of instructional coaching, read his exclusive blog here.
Author: Tamsin Denley,
Head of Marketing and Partnerships