We hope you are enjoying a well-earned summer break – even if the sun is yet to appear!

Ahead of the new school term, we would like to share some resources we hope you will find useful.

Do get in touch if you have any questions about BlueSky and how our solutions could support your school next term.

The BlueSky Team

5 steps to effective appraisal

Teaching is, by its nature, a collaborative and developmental profession. Involving staff in conversations about their own performance and professional growth is crucial for creating a sense of purpose and demonstrating their value to the school.

So, what do senior leadership teams need to get right when it comes to performance management?

In this guide we explore how school leaders can use teacher appraisal to link objectives to professional development and encourage your staff to engage with school improvement priorities.

effective teacher appraisal, school priorities
School Staff Induction

Ensuring excellence in school staff induction

The most valuable asset in any school is its staff: ensuring that you successfully introduce new colleagues into the organisation and their new role within it, is a critical process. So what are the key features of an effective induction programme?

Develop a coaching culture with impact

This guide considers why coaching is important, how schools can develop a coaching culture, and the different ways coaching can be used to support the school workforce and improvement.

coaching culture, instructional coaching
Tamsin Denley

Author: Tamsin Denley,
Head of Marketing and Partnerships

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