In this newsletter we want to invite you to join us for the next New Features training webinars on Thursday 5th and Tuesday 17th May, which will explore the updates to Objectives, our Terminology bank and a very exciting new product.
We are also running a series of demonstrations of the Bett Award nominated BlueSky Learning, giving you the opportunity to explore the benefits of a professional learning portfolio for all school staff.
If you are currently looking to recruit new staff members to your team, consider our five tips to improve your recruitment process as you place your next job advert, and take a look at our guide to using BlueSky to support your practice from candidate evaluation to induction.
Last but not least, the team will be attending several live events this term – we look forward to meeting you there! See below for details of our participation at the East London and Essex Education Conference 2022 and Oxfordshire School Leaders Conference.
BlueSky Education: New Updates Webinar
Join our live BlueSky Education training sessions exploring our latest updates supporting an agile approach to objective setting and developmental performance reviews, including:
- Enhanced customisation tools and capabilities including the expanded Terminology bank
- Expanded ways to put staff in control of their professional development
- New ways to view and track progress against objectives
We will also be revealing Opal Review, our new 360 peer review tool which offers a developmental approach to performance reviews.
Register for one of our webinars today:
Take a look at our affordable, easy-to-access professional learning platform
Named as a finalist in the Bett Awards 2022 ‘Innovator of the Year’ category, BlueSky Learning is a great way to provide high quality, practitioner-led and research-based professional learning for your school.
We are running a series of introductory webinars this May to demonstrate the features of BlueSky Learning and how it can enhance your CPD programme.
Five ways to improve your school recruitment process
We are all too aware of the shortage of trained, available staff in the market – and if you are currently recruiting new teachers, it no doubt feels like searching for the holy grail.
Are there ways you can make your school more attractive to candidates?.
Read more
How BlueSky Education supports recruitment
Download our guide to using BlueSky to support the recruitment process, from application to induction.
Our accompanying checklist helps to evaluate your current approach to recruiting the best staff.
Author: Tamsin Denley,
Head of Marketing and Partnerships